The scrap iron is melted, the composition is further improved and then poured into the desired mold. The semifinished products are further processed according to the client’s specifications.
Computer numerical control machines (CNC)
Solar panels that cover 60% of the total energy consumption of the company
Set up in 1992, COZMIRCOM has a long history and very good track record on the Romanian iron and steel market, providing a large range of products and services such as casting steel works, casting iron or non-ferrous metal works, fabrication of forged and pressed metallurgical products, mechanical working and welded metal structures etc.
Staff and production systems’ dynamism, mobility and flexibility are key factors in meeting our goal of achieving performance and alignment to international standards. This is proved by the implemented quality management systems such as: the Quality Management System, according to SR EN ISO 9001/2008, the Environment Management System, according to SR EN ISO 14001/2005 and the OH&S Management System according to SR OHSAS 18001/2008.
’Both Cozmircom and ARRP have promptly responded to the execution requests of the ordered parts in relation to the orders in progress. The payments were done in time, without any delays or denials. The products and services offered by Cozmircom have been aligned to the current standards over the entire time of our collaboration.
Thank you for your collaboration, with the conviction that it will be just as good in the future.’
’I have always found, both at Mr. Valean and at the Commercial, Production and Quality Management teams, a very good communication, openness towards competitive offers, professionalism over the course of the ordering process and good quality of the delivered products – everything while respecting the established delivery deadlines. In the one single case of quality hitch we received all the necessary support to fastly rectify/replace the products, this way meeting the highest objective: end customer satisfaction.
I appreciate Cozmircom as being one of our trusted partners.’
’You have a team comprised of real professionals, which is very rare among the foundries present on the Romanian market nowadays. We have experienced an excellent business relationship and we are very interested in further developing it by purchasing cast parts, apart from delivering foundry materials.’
SC COZMIRCOM SA is one of our main suppliers of cast parts. We have developed a stable and professional business relationship, based on trust and respect and strengthened over time. Cozmircom is a partner that we gladly recommend.
The products delivered by Cozmircom are aligned to the curent market standards. We further appreciate the employees’ willingness to solve, in the shortest amount of time and having the customer’s best interest at heart, any quality or price related issue that might arise.’
‘Very good working relationships based on mutual respect and healthy collaboration, both technically and commercially. We even received support both in developing new products and readdressing technical documentation.
We wish you all the best in your future endeavours.’
CZM: How would you evaluate the collaboration with Cozmircom?
G.J.: Excellent.
Alexandru Falaus – ARRP
Mircea Tataru – DMT Marine Equipment
Catalin Ureche – Metarex
Lucian Mitrofan – Pronif
Adrian Dragan – Saint Gobain
Gabriel Jurcan – Swiss Trade
The company staff is trained at specialized courses, both in Romania and abroad, and comprises engineers and technicians who have been working in this field for 5-25 years.